Executive Summary about Iphone Tips by Chris Prato
All of us folks who are lucky enough to already have an iPhone know how much fun they can be just to play around with. Playing with my iPhone a lot myself, I have discovered some cool tips and tricks that you may find useful.
- If you tap once at the very top of the screen when you are on the internet, it will take you back to the top of the window rather than having to scroll all the way back up. A nice time saving feature.
- If you set the font to the smallest size, you can read more in the internet window. An advantage of this is that when you want to click a link, you can pinch (expand) that area and the link will come up very large, making it much easier to click.
- Rather than posting the full address of internet sites in bookmarks, you can post the equivalent RSS address instead into Apple's RSS reader and save that as your bookmark.
- If you are writing something and the iPhone flags a word as misspelled that you know is not misspelled, cancel the correction 3 times and the word will be put into the dictionary.
- The magnifying glass is a nice iPhone tool when you are typing an email or any other text.
- You can move icons around, but not on the home screen. You have to go to the ipod section. Go to iPod > More > Edit. Now you can drag your icons all around. This can also be done in the phone section.
- To reset your iphone, hold down the right button and the "home" front button for about 6 seconds. To power it back on, push the top button.
- If you get a lot of spam e-mail or other unwanted e-mail, pay attention to this time saving feature. Add a link to Yahoo mail in Safari bookmarks.
Apple iPhone Tips - 5 plus One Tips for Better Use
Executive Summary about Iphone Tips by Matthew Chang
Following is a list of 10 tips plus one to getting the most out of your iPhone's features. Some of these come from those features that are advertised, and some of these are features that you may not have known of. Let's get started.
1. Your iPhone can be used as a storage device.
The software runs for about $10 and your computer. The application is called iPhone drive. It is a small utility from a company called Ecamm Network. What the software does is displays the free storage area of an iPhone.
2. Rebooting your iPhone
Have you had the experience yet where your iPhone freezes? basically, your iPhone is not responding to anything. Even when you try pushing the Home button your phone does nothing. Your iPhone will try to quit the last application and free up the system.
3. Free up space by eliminating previously viewed videos.
It doesn't really matter whether you have an 8 GB or a 16 GB iPhone the bottom line is it takes about 1 GB of storage to hold one movie. After you finish watching a movie, the iPhone will ask if you want to free up space by deleting it.
4. Create a home page in Safari
On your computer or laptop, it is easy to set your homepage with your Safari browser. All you have to do is go to the settings. You go to the General tab in preferences and type in the URL that you want and that's it. Problem is you can't do that with your iPhone. If you place the URL that you want to be your home page in your bookmarks list then move it to the top of your list you can simulate your home page.
5. Use the Favorites and Recents list for more than just phone calls
Now, the favorites setting is a collection of your most frequently called phone numbers, while the recent list is a collection of people who just called or whose calls you have missed. Assuming that the phone numbers in the list came from a mobile phone, you can actually use the feature to text message. Just tap the forward arrow button next to the contact name or phone number and then tap the text message button at the bottom of the contact listing.
6. Save e-mail messages as drafts
When you Cancel the iPhone will not automatically deleted. Tap Save and the message is placed in your Drafts folder. If your account doesn't currently have a Drafts folder, Mail will create one.
Put these 6 tips to use and start taking advantage of all of the different features that you got when you bought your iPhone.
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