Thursday, October 1, 2009

iPhone Applications

The Top Important iPhone Applications

Executive Summary about Iphone Applications by Thomas Martinez

Most of the iPhone Applications are very useful and some are very fun to use. Some of these, however, are a little more important and useful than the others. They help with organization, planning, or just passing a little time.

App Marks

App Marks is a web desktop/application launcher that organizes your favorite web applications, sites, and widgets for your iPhone. To remove appmarks, tap the "edit" button and push the red "-" mark. It is one of the most useful iPhone applications.


Tilt is a motion controlled game for your iPhone. Tilt uses the iPhone's accelerometer to change gameplay. This game is pretty fun and remotely addictive. It's a great iPhone application.


ISleuth is and iPhone Javascript Client/Server application that allows for the use of a MacBook or and iSight enabled Mac for surveillance purposes. This application transmits images, live, to the iPhone. It can be a very useful iPhone application.


GOffice is a basic word processor for your iPhone. Results can be emailed to your iPhone or others using a pre-built library of common letters to reduce typing.


Telekinesis is actually a Mac OS X application, but allows you to access your Mac remotely through a collection of mini web applications on your iPhone.

It allows for screen capture with mouse click and basic typing support, simple iTunes remote control, the ability to brose through your files and to use Sight image capture. Telekinesis is a great example of a very useful iPhone application. allows you to search for movies in your zip code and provides you with basic movie information; including length and rating.

It also integrates with the Google Maps application to get you directions to the theater, provides a link to buy tickets, and includes links to trailers for the movies as well.

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